What does the extension do?

Bonus management offers evaluation and forecasting possibilities for different types of bonuses in purchase and sales. For example, the association bonus, catalog bonus, supplier or home bonus, customer bonus, or customer//Kreditoren-Gruppenbonus statistics and reports for determining current bonus values and forecasted revenue considerations are provided. Related bonus payments are made in the form of credit memos or a separate G/L account. Basically, the data that is relevant for the bonus is transferred to the value entries, and subsequently the evaluations for the customer and vendor area are accessed. Bonuses must be assigned manually. There is no automatic billing or credit memo of bonuses.

How can I use the extension?

Use Bonus Management You can override a value suggested by price determination for the allow bonus field on the sales//Einkaufs-/Bestellvorschlagszeile. In the Order window, you can view the possible bonuses for a specific item line through actions, function, get bonus in the new Get Sales bonus window. The set pointer of this window is always on the determined bonus.

The values determined for the bonus calculation are copied to the respective posted documents.

Retroactive change of Bonus identifier

Change of bonus identifier on posted sales documents On the posted sales invoice and the posted sales credit memo, you can subsequently change the allow bonus field through function, allow/suppress bonus on an item line. This will also change the allow bonus field in the related value entries.

Change of bonus identifier on posted purchase documents On the posted purchase invoice and the posted purchase credit memo, you can subsequently change the allow bonus field by using function, allow/suppress bonus on an item line. This will also change the allow bonus field in the related value entries.

Change of bonuses to value entries With this batch job, the item ledger entries and the value entries recalculate the item bonus Group, source Bonus group, and bonus code fields based on the above priorities and currently deposited bonus definitions and modified. The batch job provides a deferral option for vendors or customers and value entries. The posted sales and purchase documents related to the changed value entries will not be changed. The batch jobs are integrated under Accounts Payable & Purchase, Periodic Activities, find bonus or under Customers & sales, Periodic Activities, find bonus.

Evaluations In the vendors-bonus evaluation and customers-bonus evaluation reports, the sales earned with the resulting bonus are printed on the found bonus allocations. An option allows you to specify whether you want the bonus lines (definition) to be printed on.

This report evaluates the bonus-eligible value entries for the deferred vendors and customers and the selected bonus codes. This starts with the bonus eligible base amount per bonus code in the Sales/Purch Amount (Actual) field. Calculates the bonus percentage for each posting date that is found. This will then calculate and print the bonus amount. A sum of bonus amounts will be issued per bonus code and customer/vendor.

By using the determined value, you can create credit memos manually that you can distribute to the related purchase lines. Alternatively, you can post a G/L account with the corresponding bonus.

Purchase price consideration Ek 1, 2, 3

Ek 1-2-3-Sales line statistics On a sales line, you can get the following lines of information from the Actions-Line menu button-Item Line Statistics menu (shortcut, CTRL + F9): DB Profit (LCY) Unit Cost (LCY) Line Amount Ek 1 (Cost/cost/cost (last) cost (excluding discounts and terms) Ek 2 (Ek 1 minus currently reached bonus%) Ek 3 (EK 2 excluding possible payment discount% in Purchase. Also in the case of a rolled-up payment discount always first season, refer to normal purchase conditions at main supplier Customer bonus reaches% (currently reached bonus) You want to use this data to calculate a unit price for a customer in quote or order. By using the EK2 and EK3, you can see how the actual unit cost for the item will look after all the bonuses and payment terms that you have reached are deducted.

The EK1 is determined by the average cost of the item.

EK2 = EK1-currently accessed bonus. To do this, the bonus code is determined based on the priorities for the main supplier (Vendor No) on the item card. From the value entries, the base amount is calculated for the bonus amount in the bonus period (derived from the bonus frequency code) for this bonus code. The bonus percentage is calculated from the base amount and the calculated bonus amount and included in the calculation of the EK 2.

EK3 = Ek 2 – Possible payment discount The first Skontostaffel is always used for a rolled-up payment discount. Based on the bonus code on the sales line, the value entries in the bonus period (derived from the bonus frequency code) are used to calculate the base amount to calculate the bonus amount. The bonus percentage is calculated from the base amount and the calculated bonus amount.